Good beginners cichlidA. pulcher is one of the easiest substrate spawning cichlids to breed. To obtain a pair, simply buy 56 juveniles and allow them to grow up. Once a pair forms naturally it is wise to remove the others, unless you have a large aquarium. If you provide lots of potential spawning sites like flat rocks, stones and broad leaved plants, spawning will occur with relative ease. The Blue Acara, A. pulcher, is often confused with another South American cichlid from the same genus, the Green Terror, Aequidens rivulatus. The latter species is a lot more aggressive than the Blue Acara, so its best to research before you buy. For more Care Sheets like this, visit our website:
Good beginners cichlidA. pulcher is one of the easiest substrate spawning cichlids to breed. To obtain a pair, simply buy 56 juveniles and allow them to grow up. Once a... Good beginners cichlidA. pulcher is one of the easiest substrate spawning cichlids to breed. To obtain a pair, simply buy 56 juveniles and allow them to grow up. Once a...
Water Temperature
22 - 28
Water Requirements
7 - 7.2
Large fish, can be highly aggressive
In the wild the Blue Acara is primarily carnivorous, eating small fish, crustaceans and insects. In the aquarium however it will eagerly take pellets and most commercially available fish foods. We recommend high protein based foods, that contain a larger amount of fish meal. This fish will also benefit from frozen foods, we use and suggest Aquarium Industries Naturals Range Frozen Bloodworm and Brine Shrimp.
In the wild the Blue Acara is primarily... In the wild the Blue Acara is primarily...
Food Types
Carnivorous, will eat most foods
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