The unique shape and majestic, calm, swimming style of angel fish are just some of the reasons why this fish is one of the most popular of all aquarium fish. Angelfish are laterally compressed and look like a disc on edge with long fins coming out of the top and bottom and have 2 'feelers' in front of the anal fin. Angels have been line bred, so there are a large range of colour forms in both normal as well as longfin varieties. Angelfish can be a great addition to a community tank if kept with the correct tank mates. The water quality in which they live is very important as well. Angels have very specific requirements, and we recommend keeping to the levels mentioned on the first page of this care sheet.
The unique shape and majestic, calm, swimming style of angel fish are just some of the reasons why this fish is one of the most popular of all aquarium fish.... The unique shape and majestic, calm, swimming style of angel fish are just some of the reasons why this fish is one of the most popular of all aquarium fish....
Water Temperature
Water Requirements
Angelfish will eat most aquarium fish foods. Small size angels, at about 3 4 cm, are still considered fry and require several feeds a day to keep them healthy and growing. Frozen Foods like AI Tropical Mix and Brine Shrimp are a good food to start them on. Larger angels will try to eat smaller fish like Neon Tetras if given the chance. Angelfish are top feeders (i.e. they prefer to feed at the surface of the water).
Angelfish will eat most aquarium fish foods. Small... Angelfish will eat most aquarium fish foods. Small...
Food Types
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