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Busting the Boredom

Just For Pets

3 min read

Busting the Boredom

So the time has come for fur parents and their families to return to work and school, but what about the furchild? How do they adjust back into their normal routine after constant daily interaction to being left alone for the day?

Bored pets can be destructive pets, causing damage around the house and garden. Dogs and cats need something to play with when they are at home on their own.

Cats are born explorers and dogs are very playful creatures, so they need toys to keep them entertained and their brain actively working. Fun toys that provide a mental challenge are great for keeping your pet entertained during the hours while you're at work.

There are toys available for dogs that have food hidden inside like the KONG, giving your dog a challenge to work on throughout the day to dispense the food.

Set up hide n seek activities for your dog or cat

Dogs love to dig, why not set up a sandpit just for your dog and bury a few of his/her favourite toys?

Cats love to hunt and explore so need areas with spaces they can hide in as well as toys to pounce on. For a cat, hang some dangly toys from their scratching post such as a toy mouse with a bell or feathered toys. 

Don't be surprised if the bird starts to show signs of boredom too, Birds enjoy the company of humans. A bored bird can turn on itself or its environment very quickly. Include things for them to climb on and toys that provide a bit of a game; texture and shred-able items are a hit.

Speak to your local Just For Pets independent pet retailer for lots of great boredom busting solutions for all the pets in your life.

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