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Death by overheating

Just For Pets

1 min read

Death by overheating

When temperatures are high, fish go into metabolic overdrive, consume more oxygen and produce more waste products. These waste products can be more toxic at higher temperatures.

Here are some simple tips to use when temperatures are extreme:

Cool the water

Add party ice (does not contain Chlorine) or frozen water bottles to help reduce temperatures for species that need cooler temps – but be careful with Marines, as adding frozen fresh water in the form of party ice will reduce salinity.

Maintain Oxygen Levels

Ensure that tanks are well aerated to maintain oxygen levels (the hotter the water, the less oxygen it can carry). Adding extra airlines will help to increase oxygen exchange.

Also check to ensure that filters are working properly, with adequate water flow.

Check Water Parameters

Make sure that water parameters such as pH are correct. Speak to your Just For Pets Fish Expert for more on PH levels

Do not Overstock

Reduce stocking densities – do not overstock tanks. Overstocking tanks increases oxygen consumption, which in turns decreases oxygen levels. Overstocking also increases the amount of waste that your filter system has to cope with.

Frequent Water Changes

More frequent water changes can help by reducing water temperature (if tap water is colder than the tank) and helps reduce build-up of toxic metabolites.

Reduce Feeding

Reduce feeding – this can help reduce the metabolic stress and production of wastes.

Minimise Lighting

Some lights can emit heat, that will increase the temperature of your tanks even further. We recommend that, if possible, lights be turned off on days of extreme heat.

Speak to your Just For Pets Fish and Aquarium Expert for more great tips and advice to keep your fish happy and healthy this Summer

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