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To Raw feed or not to raw feed?

Just For Pets

2 min read

To Raw feed or not to raw feed?
For thousands of years nature has shown us through evolution of our pets, that a raw food diet principally based on meat, is what is required for our pets to ensure a long and healthy life.

Considering a raw food diet for your dog can be intimidating. You enter a pet store or the pet aisle in your nearest supermarket and you have unlimited options of possible foods you can purchase for your pet, from dry food, cooked food, semi-cooked food, tinned food and raw food. You stand there considering what food is going to give your dog the proper nutrition it needs, a food that will stimulate your dog's immune system, a food that will stop inflammation, a food that will slow your pets ageing, a food that will provide health, wellbeing and longevity for your pet.

Benefits of a raw food diet

Many dogs who eat a RAW diet not only survive but will thrive on a raw food diet that has been properly formulated to compliment the essential nutrients our pets need.

An easily digestible food that in-turn make available the necessary nutrients, including the macronutrients and micronutrients required. A high meat diet obviously provides the number one source carnivores need, which is protein.
Protein is essential for proper functioning, growth, repair and maintenance to the carnivore.

Other ingredients that are consumed in the wild include offal, liver, kidney, heart and spleen. These offals are extremely rich in necessary vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. Bone is next for inclusion after offals and meat have been consumed.

Bone is essential also, as this provides a rich source of calcium, essential for bone development. But Calcium is also essential for other important reactions and synergies that occur in the body. It also provides a wonderful level of essential fatty acids, including omega 3's.

So, as you can see, with the inclusion of these ingredients mentioned above, a nutritionally blended raw food diet for your dog will provide a wonderful balance of proteins, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, phytonutrients and probiotics.

All this nutrition is also available in an unadulterated format (no cooking, blanching or processing), and therefore easily digested. Some people choose to feed their pets exclusively raw, or co-feed with other food options.

To find out the best food to suit your pet and your lifestyle speak to a Pet Expert today and your local Just For Pets independent pet retailer.

We are proud stockists of Big Dog RAW, available in the freezer section, in convenient ready-made patties. We can even send you home with a sample pattie for your dog or cat to try it out, just ask in store!

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