Males more brightly coloured than fem.African Peacocks are very popular aquarium fish, because of their lively behaviour, bright colours, shapes, size and intelligence. These hardy fish are very easy to care for and can breed successfully in captivity. African peacock cichlids are a recent introduction to the hobby and the popularity of this beautiful hardy fish has grown immensely. To keep this fish happy, keep the water alkaline, temperature tropical and provide a varied diet. Top Left: Marble Peacock Cichlid Bottom Left: Eureka Red Above: Golden Peacock Cichlid Top right: Blue Peacock Cichlid Bottom right: Dragon Blood For more Care Sheets like this, visit our website:
Males more brightly coloured than fem.African Peacocks are very popular aquarium fish, because of their lively behaviour, bright colours, shapes, size and intelligence. These hardy fish are very easy to... Males more brightly coloured than fem.African Peacocks are very popular aquarium fish, because of their lively behaviour, bright colours, shapes, size and intelligence. These hardy fish are very easy to...
Water Temperature
24 - 26
Water Requirements
7.5 - 8.5
Peaceful with similar size fish
These cichlids are omnivorous feeders so they require a varied diet of live food, meaty food, worms and vegetable matter. They will accept Tetra cichlid flakes and pellets with gusto. They are greedy and messy eaters and therefore need frequent partial water changes and adequate filtration to keep the biological waste to a minimum.
These cichlids are omnivorous feeders so they require... These cichlids are omnivorous feeders so they require...
Food Types
Prefer live and AI Frozen / also dry & veg
Prefer live and AI Frozen / also dry... Prefer live and AI Frozen / also dry...
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