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Popular, active, colourful, livebearerVariatus Platies are peaceful, hardy, active and very colourful. In numbers they can effectively brighten up a dull, drab tank. They have a very inquisitive personality, and will explore all levels of the tank. They are also suited to Nano Tanks.
Popular, active, colourful, livebearerVariatus Platies are peaceful, hardy, active and very colourful. In numbers they can effectively brighten up a dull, drab tank. They have a very inquisitive personality, and... Popular, active, colourful, livebearerVariatus Platies are peaceful, hardy, active and very colourful. In numbers they can effectively brighten up a dull, drab tank. They have a very inquisitive personality, and...
Water Temperature
22 - 26
Water Requirements
7.0 - 8.0
Peaceful & attractive community fish
Variatus Platies will eat most aquarium fish foods and will also graze on algae growing within the aquarium. They will benefit from a varied diet, we recommend also feeding them Aquarium Industries Frozen Tropical Mix to add much needed variety and nutrients. Variatus can also be kept in ponds outdoors in warm climates (eg tropical and subtropical regions) to control mosquito larvae. Breeding Platies are livebearers, meaning the female gives birth to fully formed, free swimming baby fish, about 30 days after fertilization at 2527C (longer at cooler temperatures). Sexes can easily be distinguished; the anal fin of the male is modified to form the Gonopodium (the male sex organ). Male Variatus usually are more brightly coloured than the females.
Variatus Platies will eat most aquarium fish foods... Variatus Platies will eat most aquarium fish foods...
Food Types
Dry, AI Naturals Froz. Trop Mix, live & veg
Dry, AI Naturals Froz. Trop Mix, live &... Dry, AI Naturals Froz. Trop Mix, live &...

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