Oscars are a beautiful, intelligent Cichlid that are easy to maintain. The most popular sizes are the juvenile 4 or 5cm long fish. The colours on these smaller fish may not be as bright as adult sized fish but they grow rapidly and can reach 25 cm plus in a few short months. For this reason, the Oscar should be kept in a large tank and should not be kept with very small fish. An efficient filtration system is also needed, as they are messy eaters! Left: Red Oscar Above: Red Tiger Oscar
Oscars are a beautiful, intelligent Cichlid that are easy to maintain. The most popular sizes are the juvenile 4 or 5cm long fish. The colours on these smaller fish may... Oscars are a beautiful, intelligent Cichlid that are easy to maintain. The most popular sizes are the juvenile 4 or 5cm long fish. The colours on these smaller fish may...
Water Temperature
Water Requirements
Oscars are generally voracious feeders and highly carnivorous. They will readily take a range of live and frozen foods including AI Naturals Frozen Bloodworm, along with dry food such as Tetra Cichlid Sticks. Oscars will also readily feed on smaller fish, if they can fit it in their mouth they will eat it. It is extremely important, however, not to overfeed your Oscars as this can lead to fatty degeneration of the liver and compromise their health. Oscars are notorious for developing a problem known as Hole in the Head in which patches of tissue degenerate around the head leaving large holes in the tissue. This has previously been linked to a parasite known as Hexamita but more recently it is suggested that it is due to poor diet. Feeding of good quality foods and addition of water soluble Vitamin B and C as well as improved water quality should fix the problem.
Oscars are generally voracious feeders and highly carnivorous.... Oscars are generally voracious feeders and highly carnivorous....
Food Types
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