Great colours, needs large tankCyrtocara moorii derives its common name, Blue Dolphin, from the unique hump that increases in size as the fish ages. This fish is an attractive, peaceful Malawi cichlid that is ideal for larger community tanks. For more Care Sheets like this, visit our website: We feed and recommend:
Great colours, needs large tankCyrtocara moorii derives its common name, Blue Dolphin, from the unique hump that increases in size as the fish ages. This fish is an attractive, peaceful... Great colours, needs large tankCyrtocara moorii derives its common name, Blue Dolphin, from the unique hump that increases in size as the fish ages. This fish is an attractive, peaceful...
Water Temperature
24 - 26
Water Requirements
7 - 7.5
Suitable with large peaceful cichlids
In the aquarium hobby, Cyrtocara moorii will happily take most floating and / or sinking foods with no fuss. They will benefit from frozen foods which have a high protein content, such as Aquarium Industries Naturals Range Malawi Cichlid Mix. In the wild, C. Moorii is classed as a micropredator. It will follow closely behind substrate digging cichlids, feeding on the small crustaceans and particles that get stirred up in their wake.
In the aquarium hobby, Cyrtocara moorii will happily... In the aquarium hobby, Cyrtocara moorii will happily...
Food Types
Will eat most foods, needs some veg
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