This peaceful fish is a popular algae eater, as it is so hardy. A few sucking catfish in your aquarium will keep algae to a minimum. They constantly move over leaves, rocks and glass, grazing on algae and picking up particles of leftover fish food. Sucking catfish do not eat healthy aquatic plants but are quick to clean up any decomposing plant leaves. Providing water quality is reasonable, this active fish will reward you with years of algae eating hard work.
This peaceful fish is a popular algae eater, as it is so hardy. A few sucking catfish in your aquarium will keep algae to a minimum. They constantly move over... This peaceful fish is a popular algae eater, as it is so hardy. A few sucking catfish in your aquarium will keep algae to a minimum. They constantly move over...
Water Temperature
Water Requirements
Algae eater, that will eat dry or frozen food, but prefers vegetable matter. As it is a bottom feeder, ensure that enough food reaches it. Sinking pellets are a useful feeding option.
Algae eater, that will eat dry or frozen... Algae eater, that will eat dry or frozen...
Food Types
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