A truly beautiful aquarium fishGouramis are part of the family Belontidae, and are generally referred to as anabantoids or labyrinth fish. The labyrinth organ allows them to extract oxygen from atmospheric air in areas where the water is poorly oxygenated.
A truly beautiful aquarium fishGouramis are part of the family Belontidae, and are generally referred to as anabantoids or labyrinth fish. The labyrinth organ allows them to extract oxygen from... A truly beautiful aquarium fishGouramis are part of the family Belontidae, and are generally referred to as anabantoids or labyrinth fish. The labyrinth organ allows them to extract oxygen from...
Water Temperature
22 - 28
Water Requirements
6.5 - 7.5
Very peaceful / a great community fish
The pelvic fins on gouramis are adapted to act as long, tentaclelike sensors. Using these, they can detect food, as well as other objects in the water. They will eat most aquarium food, but do require a varied diet in order to thrive. For best result, feed a combination of dry food, live, vegetables, and frozen foods from the AI Naturals Range. Small size gouramis (34cm) are still considered fry, and need several feeds a day.
The pelvic fins on gouramis are adapted to... The pelvic fins on gouramis are adapted to...
Food Types
Dry, AI Brand Frozen, live & veg
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