Popular dwarf cichlid with bright coloursThe M. ramirezi is one of the true gems of the cichlid family. It has all the beauty and character of the bigger South American cichlids, without the drawbacks like aggression, the need for a large territory and digging habits. If youre willing to put in the little extra time getting water quality right, youll be rewarded with an experience you wont soon forget. For more Care Sheets like this, visit our website: aquariumindustries.com.au 2014
Popular dwarf cichlid with bright coloursThe M. ramirezi is one of the true gems of the cichlid family. It has all the beauty and character of the bigger South American... Popular dwarf cichlid with bright coloursThe M. ramirezi is one of the true gems of the cichlid family. It has all the beauty and character of the bigger South American...
Water Temperature
24 - 28
Water Requirements
6.0 - 7.0
Peaceful, don't mix w. aggressive species
Best suited to sinking based dry pellets, M. ramirezi will have few problems as long as their diet is varied. M. ramirezi will take most small live foods such as brine shrimp and black worms. When kept over a sand or fine substrate they spend hours sifting the sand through their gills, filtering out any edible matter they find.
Best suited to sinking based dry pellets, M.... Best suited to sinking based dry pellets, M....
Food Types
Best fed live & AI Frozen / will eat dry
Best fed live & AI Frozen / will... Best fed live & AI Frozen / will...
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