Develops bright red colourCherry Shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda) are small freshwater atyid shrimp that are an interesting addition to the aquarium. Providing they are housed with plenty of cover such as plants in order for them to avoid predatory fish, they will thrive in an aquarium. These Shrimp are both hardy and useful, as they will eat any left over food and graze on algae. Their common name of Cherry Shrimp is reflective of their characteristic red colour, although they vary from a pale pink through to the bright red you see here, often depending on the background against which they are placed. Females (pictured here) are usually more brightly coloured than males. Will not harm fish. Provide plenty of cover so that they do not get eaten by fish.
Develops bright red colourCherry Shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda) are small freshwater atyid shrimp that are an interesting addition to the aquarium. Providing they are housed with plenty of cover such as... Develops bright red colourCherry Shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda) are small freshwater atyid shrimp that are an interesting addition to the aquarium. Providing they are housed with plenty of cover such as...
Water Temperature
22 - 27
Water Requirements
7.0 - 7.6
Peaceful - stock with small fish species
An omnivore, the Cherry Shrimp will accept most prepared foods.
An omnivore, the Cherry Shrimp will accept most... An omnivore, the Cherry Shrimp will accept most...
Food Types
Dry, AI Brand Froz., veg - from bottom
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