Related to Piranhas (but vegetarian)Silver Dollars belong to the group Characins (Tetra) and have a similar body structure to piranha. While they are also related to Piranha, they are in fact a peaceful community fish that can be a bit skittish or timid. Like other Tetra species, they are best kept in schools of at least 34. Silver Dollars are ideal to mix with other medium to large peaceful species. For more Care Sheets like this, visit our website: 2014
Related to Piranhas (but vegetarian)Silver Dollars belong to the group Characins (Tetra) and have a similar body structure to piranha. While they are also related to Piranha, they are in... Related to Piranhas (but vegetarian)Silver Dollars belong to the group Characins (Tetra) and have a similar body structure to piranha. While they are also related to Piranha, they are in...
Water Temperature
22 - 26
Water Requirements
6.5 - 7.5
Peaceful with fish, eats aquatic plants
Silver Dollars are predominantly vegetarian and while they will accept most fish foods (including Sera Granules, Fluval Sinking Pellets and Tetramin Tropical Crisps) it is important to provide some vegetable matter in their diet. They also readily feed on many types of AI Naturals Range frozen food, in particular the leafy spinach. As a herbivore, Silver Dollars are likely to eat aquatic plants in the tank.
Silver Dollars are predominantly vegetarian and while they... Silver Dollars are predominantly vegetarian and while they...
Food Types
A vegetarian diet; dry, AI Frozen & live
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