Striking shark like appearanceThey are identified as Sharks because of their pointed head and a large pointed dorsal fin imitating the body shape of a saltwater shark. In contrast to the salt water shark, these fish are very peaceful in nature. They are active, fast swimmers and will try to jump out of the tank, therefore keep the tank covered with a tight glass at all times.
Striking shark like appearanceThey are identified as Sharks because of their pointed head and a large pointed dorsal fin imitating the body shape of a saltwater shark. In contrast to... Striking shark like appearanceThey are identified as Sharks because of their pointed head and a large pointed dorsal fin imitating the body shape of a saltwater shark. In contrast to...
Water Temperature
22 - 26
Water Requirements
6.5 - 7.5
Peaceful -inclined to jump (cover tank)
They are omnivorous and are not fussy eaters. Silver Sharks will fare well on a wide variety of foods like live, fresh, frozen fish foods, beef heart and blood worms. While not predatory, fully grown specimens may eat small species such as Neon Tetras if they can catch them.
They are omnivorous and are not fussy eaters.... They are omnivorous and are not fussy eaters....
Food Types
Dry, AI Naturals Frozen, live & veg.
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